Projects and international collaboration
Projects and international collaboration
The AEV is well known for being a regional developer with versatile expertise, competence and extensive projects operations. The projects aim at furthering the AEV success in education and training and involve active collaboration with other educational institutions and working life.

Erasmus + KA229
Strategic partnerships
- Li(EU)x – smart mobility incubator (KA2)
Partnership with 6 schools: Lycée Fénelon, Clermont-Ferrand, France (coordinator); Valongo Schools Group, Valongo, Portugal; Karlsgymnasium, Munich-Pasing, Germany; Colegio Mary Ward, San Sebastian, Spain; Liceo Morgagni, Rome, Italy; 2nd College, Kavala, Greece.
Theme: ecological mobility; Reduced mobility; virtual mobility; cultural mobility.
Duration: 2019 - 2022.
Working language: French
Target audience: mainly secondary education.
- Let's get active- together for the world of tomorrow"
Partnership with 4 participating schools: B.O.RG Dornbirn-Schoren, Dornbirn, Austria (coordinator); Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Niccolò Machiavelli, Pioltello, Italy; Collège Jean Mermoz, Wittelsheim, France; Grouping of Schools in Valongo, Portugal.
Theme: sustainability and climate change
Duration: 2020 - 2022.
Working language: English.
Erasmus + KA1
Individual mobility for learning purposes
Structured courses: training courses in a foreign country and Job Shadowing activities Duration: September 2019 to August 2022
Target audience: AEV teaching staff
- Project 1 - School Education
Smart Innovation, Implication and Inclusion
Training areas: Inclusive school / Foreign languages: English / Robotics / Leadership / Autonomy and Curriculum Flexibility / Gamification
- Project 2 - Adult Education
Adultos MAIS - Mobility, Learning, Innovation and Success adults
Training areas: ICT/ E-learning/ Foreign Language/ Good practices in Adult Education
- Project 3 - Vocational Education and Training (VET)
Short-term project for the mobility of students and teachers of Vocational Education and Training
Activities: short-term mobilities of VET students in a foreign country; structured training courses and job shadowing activities for teachers in a foreign country
Duration: October 2021 – January 2023.
Erasmus accreditation in the fields of adult education and school education (2021-2027)